Christopher Beth, Founder of the Bucket Ministry, on Technology, Clean Water, and the Gospel

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 107
Christopher Beth Founder Bucket Ministry Sawyer Filters Clean Water Financial Finish Line Podcast
Christopher Beth Founder Bucket Ministry Sawyer Filters Clean Water Financial Finish Line Podcast

Christopher Beth, Founder of the Bucket Ministry, on Technology, Clean Water, and the Gospel

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 107

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What We’ll Cover

Christopher Beth, founder of The Bucket Ministry, spent most of his life as a business consultant and thought he would retire from that line of work. But a radical encounter with God deep in the Amazon turned his life upside down and from that experience, The Bucket Ministry was born. The Bucket Ministry widely disperses water filters and the gospel all around the world using an advanced digital mapping platform to guide their work.

The mission of The Bucket Ministry is to share God’s love through the gift of safe, clean, drinking water. While The Bucket Ministry started out in the Brazilian Amazon, it is now actively evangelizing and providing water filters all over the globe. Christopher has an incredible story as well as lots of great advice on effective ministry and data tracking. You won’t want to miss what he had to share!

Major topics include:

  • The impactful story of how The Bucket Ministry began
  • Startling statistics about drinking water access throughout the world
  • Water filtration as a vehicle to practically share the gospel
  • Transitioning from business to ministry
  • Navigating the tension between profession and calling
  • Leveraging technology for ministry management and accountability
  • Christopher’s vision for scaling to reach more people faster in the next five years

Quotes to Remember

  • “I had no idea that at the age of 56, I would think more about fishing for men than fishing for fish.”
  • “The water in my toilet bowl is cleaner than 785 million people have access to around the world.”
  • “Our focal points are Jesus, water, and discipleship. We don’t do anything else.”

Links from the Show

Bible References from the Show

Acts 4:13 | God Uses Common Men

Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus.

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