Aspiring to the Median

Shifting to Eternal Kingdom Building with Cody Hobelmann, Financial Advisor

Shifting to Eternal Kingdom Building with Cody Hobelmann, Financial Advisor

Cohost Cody Hobelmann shares the story about how God dramatically changed his goals from making as much money as possible to giving as much as possible. As a financial planner, he has a strong understanding of the traditional wisdom behind personal finance. His faith, however, has introduced a whole new perspective to how we should think about the money that God brings through our hands.

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What is the Finish Line Pledge (formerly Aspiring to the Median)?

What is the Finish Line Pledge (formerly Aspiring to the Median)?

Join Kealan and Cody as they unpack the foundation of the Aspiring to the Median movement and the idea that everything we own belongs to God. If God is the true owner of all money and wealth, then that makes us each managers of a small portion, and we’re responsible for what we do with it. Listen as the guys share stories about what that realization has meant for their own lives and finances.

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Addressing Debt

Addressing Debt

For some people, while the idea of percentile living may sound attractive, there is one looming barrier to getting started. Debt. For those of us with significant personal debt, how are we supposed to commit to living at a percentile?

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The Race for a Finish Line

The Race for a Finish Line

Kealan shares his story of how he and his wife Alison got started with a financial finish line. From living on little, to living with surplus, God used many experiences to lead them to where they are today.

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A Renewed Sense of Purpose

A Renewed Sense of Purpose

Through Christ, God gives us a deep and powerful sense of purpose. So why doesn’t it feel like that much of the time? Percentile living offers us a way back to the depth of purpose God calls us into.

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A Renewed Perspective on Spending

A Renewed Perspective on Spending

Almost by definition, our concept of personal spending was changed when we committed to a percentile. The factors that played into each purchase decision quickly shifted as our incentives were realigned.

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A Renewed Perspective on Work

A Renewed Perspective on Work

When we first committed to living at a percentile, our thoughts mostly centered around wanting to be able to give more. But what we came to find is that the benefits we experienced in our own life were far greater than the giving we were able to participate in. One of those benefits has to do with how we approach working.

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