Bruce and Sue Osterink, on the Joyful Rewards of Saying Yes in Faith

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 108
Bruce and Sue Osterink Generous Giving Ministry Young Life Financial Finish Line Podcast
Bruce and Sue Osterink Generous Giving Ministry Young Life Financial Finish Line Podcast

Bruce and Sue Osterink, on the Joyful Rewards of Saying Yes in Faith

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 108

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What We’ll Cover

As an affluent family with multiple homes and a successful business, Bruce and Sue Osterink were living the American dream. But God used one trip to Russia in the early nineties to begin a cascade of events that would bring a dramatic shift in their lives. The Osterinks began to hear a calling to simplify their lives and belongings so that they could be available to love others and be generous with their money, their time, and their relationships.   

Over the last thirty years, Bruce and Sue have taken some radical steps of faith and obedience that have led to some amazing stories. They are no stranger to suffering, and their journeys have impacted countless college students, young couples, and givers of many kinds. You won’t want to miss all they had to share!  

Major topics include:

  • Setting a financial finish line
  • Learning to be available to love others
  • Living simply to give generously
  • Important lessons from serving as house parents to college students
  • Making big decisions in radical obedience to God
  • The relationship between generosity and faith

Quotes to Remember

  • Bruce: “What God needs is people who are available to love others.”
  • Bruce: “Our generosity started with our money, but as we began to understand what God was calling us to more and more, we understood that it wasn’t just our money. It was our time, it was our life. It wasn’t only what we gave away, but what we did with what God allowed us to hold on to.”
  • Bruce: “Unity isn’t compromise, it’s finding what God wants for us.”
  • Bruce: “It’s been interesting to be able to look back and see that had we made a plan, we would have had nothing in our plan of what was God’s plan.”
  • Sue: “Why say ‘no?’ That’s kind of our philosophy. We tend to say ‘yes,’ very seldom say ‘no,’ as long as we feel it’s a good investment in the Kingdom.
  • Bruce: “We would much rather give our money away than spend it.”
  • Sue: “Pick your lifestyle before you make any money.”
  • Bruce: “Pray about your lifestyle. And whatever lifestyle God calls you to, you don’t change it because you get a raise. You change it when God tells you to.”

Links from the Show

Bible References from the Show

Acts 4:32 | Unity Among Brethren  

Now the full number of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own, but they had everything in common.

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