Game of Life
An Interactive ExperienceWelcome!
Have someone read the instructions out loud to the rest of your group each turn as you go. You’ll each be playing individually, but will go through the game together.
Basic Rules
This game consists of 10 turns. On each turn, you will receive income from your job, and you’ll pay out your living expenses. These numbers are fixed each turn. Afterwards, you’ll have the chance to use any leftover money in 4 different ways, which are shown below:
Bonds: For every 4 tokens you invest in bonds, you will receive 1 guaranteed token next turn. Investing a fraction of 4 tokens produces nothing.
Stocks: Stocks have higher risk, but higher reward than bonds. Each token you invest could double, but you could also lose everything you invest. On average, the gains tend to be greater than bonds.
Rental home: You can purchase a rental home for 20 tokens. On each following turn, you will receive 10 tokens per turn from your tenants.
Giving: Of course you can choose to give money away at any point, but it can never be taken back.
You can always see how much money you have in your bank account. This is your pool of money to use as you see fit. At the beginning of the game, you should start with 2 tokens in your bank.
On any given turn, you don’t have to use all of your money in one of the 4 ways listed above. Just leave any remainder in the bank.
It may be tempting to discuss how you are using your money each turn, but try to save any discussion for the end.
You will find a few discussion questions at the end to help you reflect on the experience. Let’s begin.
Click Start when everyone is ready.