One of the most significant barriers people face when considering setting a financial finish line is debt. Whether it’s student loans or large credit card balances, debt can prove to be both a financial and emotional barrier to the freedom and purpose that come with setting a finish line. In this episode, we’ll break down the different types of debt and how to think about each one. We’ll also give some real examples, including some from our own lives, to show how a financial finish line can actually get you out of debt much faster than you would otherwise. Listen to the full episode to hear more!
Aspiring to the Median
John Cortines, Author of God and Money, on Exchanging Retirement at 40 for a Financial Finish Line
In this episode, we have the chance to talk to John Cortines, coauthor of the books God and Money as well as True Riches: What Jesus Really Said About Money and Your Heart. He currently serves as Director of Generosity at The Maclellan Foundation and has also served as the Chief Operations Officer of Generous Giving, a nonprofit dedicated to opening the conversation about generosity. He shares his story starting with a six figure salary out of college on the fast track to early retirement before radically changing his perspective on wealth and faith during his time at Harvard Business School. He and his coauthor Greg Baumer have written and spoken widely about the idea of a financial finish line, and had many questions for John about the subject.
Q&A: How Does a Finish Line Work If I’m Already Retired?
As the finish line movement has grown, an increasing number of retired people have asked the question, “What does a financial finish line look like if I’m already retired?”. Kealan and Cody tackle this questions along with a number of related questions like, “Does it make sense to keep all my savings and give it away when I die?”. They also share some practical advice and strategies for giving generously and effectively during retirement.
Saving for Retirement with a Finish Line
Kealan and Cody dive into another listener Q&A where they answer the question, “How does setting a finish line affect saving for retirement?”. As with many things, setting a financial finish line flips around much of the traditional personal finance wisdom. Kealan and Cody first break down some of the traditional wisdom on saving for retirement. Afterwards, listen as they share their thoughts on how setting a finish line changes our strategy and goals for retirement.